Real Life and Education

I have come to the conclusion that this blog needs to change. I don’t have a lot of new information on SL to report, but I do have plenty to say about the state of education; education in this country and the education taking place in my classroom, district, and state. Reading an Education Week… Continue reading Real Life and Education

Budget Update

Many of you have expressed concern over the state of education in CA and in my district specifically as it relates to my upcoming travel for conferences, so I thought I’d keep a running update. Yesterday, we received an email containing the following information: Update on the State Budget Crisis and the Impact of TVUSDMonday,… Continue reading Budget Update

Categorized as TVUSD Tagged

F.U.D. in Temecula Valley Unifed

Today we received confirmation of the biggest helping of  FUD (Fear, Uncertainty & Doubt) in recent memory. Thanks to the impending (growing IMHO) recession, we received email from our superintendenet today which included the following: “Today I met with our Principals and District Office Administration to discuss the impact of Governor Schwarzenegger*s proposed budget, which was… Continue reading F.U.D. in Temecula Valley Unifed